Does Neura accept Medicare?

We are currently in-network with some Medicare plans in certain states - you can see the list here. We are working to expand our Medicare coverage to other states soon.

If we are not in network with your plan, but your plan offers out of network benefits, your Care Concierge can provide you with an insurance invoice, or “superbill”, for your medical visit fees to submit to your insurance according to their specific claims if you are located in one of the states in which we can directly prescribe medications.

In all states, prescription medications prescribed by Neura Health clinicians may be covered under your insurance plan, depending on your individual coverage. (Neura does not sell medications directly, so your purchase of medications would be from a local or mail-order pharmacy.)

While we are working to expand our network of insurance companies, we believe that everyone deserves excellent care regardless of their insurance plan. Please reach out to us to learn more about our affordable options for working together.

We are currently in-network with some Medicare plans in certain states - you can see the list here. We are working to expand our Medicare coverage to other states soon.

If we are not in network with your plan, but your plan offers out of network benefits, your Care Concierge can provide you with an insurance invoice, or “superbill”, for your medical visit fees to submit to your insurance according to their specific claims if you are located in one of the states in which we can directly prescribe medications.

In all states, prescription medications prescribed by Neura Health clinicians may be covered under your insurance plan, depending on your individual coverage. (Neura does not sell medications directly, so your purchase of medications would be from a local or mail-order pharmacy.)

While we are working to expand our network of insurance companies, we believe that everyone deserves excellent care regardless of their insurance plan. Please reach out to us to learn more about our affordable options for working together.